shit! Is getting late, I can't get to sleep. What's wrong with me? *sigh*
Am I back to the point of getting hurt again? Letting him to hurt me again? I am putting my trust on him, hope that he wouldn'tt hurt me once again.
Seriously, as a relationship gets longer, lots of problems will starts to pop out. The way to overcome it is to compromise and trust he/she. But is a very difficult task. Once there is a phobia there. I am trying, is he there helping me or to gain back my trusts? Sometimes I wonder. Guess it's a question mark.
Labels: whats wrong

Time flieS! End of long weekend, getting back to work tml. *boring* should have take leave for tml! :(
Today accompanied my family, since a long time I accompanied them, felt quite guilty about it. Can say things is complicated, which I doesn't like it.
I need to get a PC! A D.I.Y PC! My lappy is dead, after for 3 years, accompanying me through my poly life! Although, lots of my friends is super super lag! I still manage to use it till I
graduate, Hahaha.

What is the Ugly Truth of love? Can anyone answer me? Hmmm...
I have abandon my blog for quite a long time. Hahaha. Why? Is because I have been busy working and working! Working life is super super boring! = No life! Bring in some colours to my life! Someone please! Lol! And, can someone tell me what's life all about? Work?
By the way, Hahaha, I have a very very, super super super good news! I am going GERMANY in nov17 to 21. Whoop!!?! And the bad new is I go there to work. :(. But at least is a good experience! hee!
Labels: ugly Truth is I love you