At work:
After working for about 5 months in this company. So far, everything is still good for me. But there are lots of conflicts here and there among the other colleagues of mine. Seriously, some of the *things* I heard is really damn LAME and childish. * cannot make it * Don't understand why there are this kind of people in this small lil company. How is this small lil company gonna survive if all its workers is like it?
Gossip here and there, All are Gossip girls. Think they watch too much of it! LOL!
We have to see and hear the problem, not only just listen! Someone told me this, but that person never do it. Not a good role model after all.
I am gonna go Switzerland & Germany next month! This is my first time going Europe, but is business trip. I am looking forward for it. Hope it will be a good one. The sad thing is that, I am going with my uncle only and no one else. =(
Personal Life:
Life is dull, as i work everyday. Don't really have much entertainment. *Lifeless* I am getting more and more lazy!
The worst part is I am getting fatter! =( Since the day i started working, I gain 5KG! Really is OMG! My tummy is coming out!!! *HELP! SOS*
I am broke. why? Is because I fix a DIY CPU! * heart ache* but is worth it!
Things is going well for me and yan. Just hope for the best for both of us. We ain't like last time, we mature from all the problems and mistakes we came through.
Finally my 21st birthday is coming! LOL! Guess i am just gonna have a lil BBQ session at east coast park. So just wait for my invitations~ hahahaha...